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Henry MacMillan Alexander Research Files

Identifier: MS AL1

Scope and Content Note

Letters and correspondence, affidavits, ballots, bibliographies, bulletins, charts, clippings, constitution and by-laws, directories, handbooks, judicial forms, leaflets, legal briefs, legislative bills, literary manuscripts, lists, magazines, manuals, maps, minutes of proceedings, memoranda, notes, notices, pamphlets, petitions, political campaign materials, programs, questionnaires, receipts, regulations and rules, reports, resolutions, rosters, speeches, statutes, student course papers and examinations, tables, tax forms, warrants and other documents.

Material constitutes Henry Macmillan Alexander’s research files in the fields of 78 national, state, county, metropolitan and municipal government, public administration and politics, and pertains to his academic and professional career in these areas as a member of the faculty of the University of Arkansas and as a consultant to various governmental, academic and civic organizations.


  • Creation: 1933-1969


Language of Materials

Materials are in English

Access Information

Access Restrictions Apply: Folder no. 1839 may be used only with permission of Head of Special Collections.

Please call (479) 575-8444 or email at least two weeks in advance of your arrival to ensure availability of the materials.

Use Information

No Use Restrictions Apply.

No Interlibrary Loan.

Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).

Biographical Information

Henry Macmillan Alexander was born in Jackson, Mississippi September 10, 1905. He earned a Β. A. degree from Davidson College, an Μ. A. degree from Princeton University, and a Ph. D. degree from the University of Missouri. Joining the University of Arkansas faculty in 1937, he taught as professor of Economics in the College of Business Administration, as professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology in the College of Agriculture, and as professor of Political Science in the Department of History and Political Science, College of Arts and Sciences. He served as chairman of the Department of Political Science from its creation in 1951 until 1966, when he became director of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Division of Public Administration.

Recognized as the leading authority on Arkansas state and local government. Professor Alexander served, at various times, as consultant to many govern mental, research, advisory and other agencies, including: the Little Rock Metropolitan Area Planning Commission, the University of Arkansas’s City Planning Division and Industrial Research and Extension Center, the Arkansas Constitutional Revision Study Commission, Legislative Council, Industrial Development Commission, Economic Expansion Study Commission, Highway Department, Office of Civil Defense, and State Chamber of Commerce.

Long an active advocate of reform in the structures of local and county governments, and in the state’s tax structures, Dr. Alexander published many reports, studies and articles on various aspects of government. His study in post-auditing led to creation of the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee. In addition, his textbook on Arkansas government, a unique work of its kind, has gone through several editions and is widely used in Arkansas schools and colleges.

In 1962, Dr. Alexander became the first University of Arkansas professor to receive the University Alumni Association’s faculty achievement award for research, A member of the Arkansas History Commission for ten years, Alexander also served the Arkansas Historical Association as its Secretary-Treasurer, 1944-1945, and as President, 1960-1961, In 1966, the Association presented him its distinguished service award.

Alexander died in Fayetteville on May 18, 1969.


40 Linear Feet (80 boxes)

Arrangement of the Papers

Arrangement and description of material preserves creator’s filing system; i.e., in file folders labeled to reflect arbitrary subject categories and arranged in approximately alphabetical groupings.

Guide to Inventory Listing:

  1. Folders 1-20: AME - ASS
  2. Folders 21-47: ADM - AME
  3. Folder 48: Comptroller Project Adm. Control
  4. Folders 49-55: ARK - ARR
  5. Folder 56: Government Finances
  6. Folder 57: State and Local Govt. Finances
  7. Folders 58-82: ARS - BAU
  8. Folders 83-101: ASS - AUD
  9. Folders 102-134: Arkansas. University SCH - Arkansas. University WOR
  10. Folders 135-187: BAC - BIR
  11. Folders 188-249: Irregular order: ABA - ZIM
  12. Folders 250-665: BON - GEN
  13. Folders 666-748: General Assembly APP - General Assembly VOT
  14. Folders 749-1033: GEO - MOT
  15. Folders 1034-1040: LAN - LAW
  16. Folders 1034-1182: Municipal ACC - Municipal ZOO
  17. Folders 1183-1184: MUSE - MUSS
  18. Folders 1185-1186: McC - McG
  19. Folders 1187-1450: NAM - SAN
  20. Folders 1451-1458: School Acc - School BUS
  21. Folders 1459-1463: SAF - SAL
  22. Folders 1464-1482: School BON - School ZON
  23. Folders 1483-1558: SCO - SYM
  24. Folders 1559-1689: Tax ALA - TAX VEN
  25. Folders 1690-1837: TAXI - YOUN
  26. Folder 1838: Miscellaneous unfiled, magazines, bulletins, reports
  27. Folder 1839: restricted
  28. Folders 1840-1845: Arkansas. University. Dept. of Political Science. Course examination on papers

Acquisition Information

The Henry MacMillan Alexander Research Files were donated to Special Collections by Margaret Baker (Mrs. Henry M.) Alexander of Fayetteville, Arkansas, in June 1969.

Processing Information

Processed by Samuel Sizer; completed January 1970.

Henry MacMillan Alexander Research Files
Samuel Sizer
January 1970
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note
Finding aid is written in English.

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections Department Repository

University of Arkansas Libraries
365 N. McIlroy Avenue
Fayetteville AR 72701 United States
(479) 575-8444